This week I made my biweekly trip to Kinokuniya and I bought a few books, along with the Kotori Kawashima photography book, I bought a crochet book, a stationery/crafts book and a graphic design cd book. The crochet book,
Cute Little Yarn Knitted Goods, is filled with colorful flowery projects, from tiny slippers, crazy afgans, to pretty flower trims, I can't wait to make something. The stationery book, combines other crafts with found materials, lots of sweet projects in this one, definitely geared for gift-making ideas. The last book is part of a cd book series for graphic designers to use, this one,
Sweets and Flowers
Hyo_2 いますぐあみたい!ちょっとの糸で可愛いニット小物
了戒かずこ著 ISBN978-4-07-268091-9 C2077
Now Amitai Hyo_2! And cute little yarn knitted goods
by Kazuko ISBN978-4-07-268091-9 C2077
ISBN: 978-4-416-31016-8
著者名:誠文堂新光社 編
Cute accessories to make collages
ISBN: 978-4-416-31016-8
Author: M. Wentang Xinguang Guide
Atelier*Spoon 著 翔泳社
2011年01月 発行 ISBN 978-4-7981-2294-6
Sweets & Flowers
Atelier * Spoon by Addison-Wesley
ISBN 978-4-7981-2294-6 January 2011 issue
I also got these little stamp pads, blank cards and cute stickers, to continue my ventures into stationery.
Wow what great purchases!! I will have to head on over to Amazon jp for these I think!!