Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Life sucker

So this morning I found out a dear friend will find out from her doc, today, what type of skin cancer she has, in other words how bad it really is. This is making me so sad for my friend, she's had plenty to deal with in her life including losing a parent to cancer so this is a real punch in the gut. Out of frustration, anger and sadness I sketched a quick doodle on the train this morning of a strong, cool woman stomping and killing the sh*t out of cancer. This my hope that whatever the degree of illness my friend has,she's strong enough and beats it.

This young lady came to life on my couch last night while my partner and I tried to remain cool in this terrible New York heat wave. Debra is working on some illustrations for her agent so I decided I should start putting pencil to paper again if I want to have my portfolio grow and possibly get some work in what I really love to do and not work for a horrible corporation anymore. I still love doing the large head/small body proportions like my dolls.

1 comment:

  1. Very sorry to hear about your friend's situation right now. You guys just keep being positive, things will work out. :)

    I love both illustrations. That large head small body thing... We Blythe moms gotta love that thing, come on! XOXO
