Four of my girls are up for adoption. Trying to raise some money for my trip to Japan and I have kinda been a neglectful dolly mom as of late. These girls deserve some much needed attention.
The girls up for adoption are a custom Lounging Lovely, custom Cousin Olivia, custom Candy Carnival, and untouched V- Smash.
I do not spray fix my girls because Mr Super Clear is toxic.
$200 Lounging Lovely- sanded, and painted lips
$250 Cousin Olivia-Sanded, lips carved and painted, boggled eyes, new eyelashes,new chips, freckles and blush (not spray fixed)
$175 Candy Carnival-lips painted, hair boil permed, new chips
$185 V-Smash- original everything
Each girl will come in her box and with her original clothing but not shoes and not her accessories. Will consider offers also.
Please leave a comment or email me at jannese1970@gmail.com about adopting one of these lovely girls
Pics to each girl
Cousin Olivia
V Smash
Candy Carnival
Lounging Lovely
Frida-Cousin Olivia

Talula Moon- Candy Carnival

Ginger-lily- V Smash

Cherry- Lounging Lovely

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